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Adult Asthma Educational Program

Posted on: 01 September 2014 By: mgrover


I am an intern with the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department and I am doing research on best practices for educating adults with asthma. We curently have programs for children/teens but are wondering how to effectively educate adults living with asthma.

I am hoping for educated opinions/hypothesis, current research articles related to my research, and/or any programs currently being implemented that I could use as a guide.

All comments are greatly appreciated! Also, feel free to send me an email!


Asthma research study for patients and caregivers of patients with asthma

Posted on: 30 July 2014 By: CEOutcomes

I am a medical education researcher and am fielding a survey to patients or caregivers of individuals suffering from moderate-to-severe asthma to understand their specific challenges. The purpose of the research is to develop a report/publication to inform supporters of patient education of the real-world needs within the community. I am offering a $10 Walmart or Amazon gift card for complete responses to the final survey (should take no more than 10-15 minutes). Your responses will be considered confidential and not linked back to you in any way.

We are recruiting participants for the Women Breathe Free program

Posted on: 25 June 2014 By: mgieminiani

Do you have female asthma patients who could use help managing their disease? We are recruiting participants for Women Breathe Free, an evidence-based educational program created by the University of Michigan’s Center for Managing Chronic Disease. The program’s goal is to help women across the United States gain better control over their asthma and their lives. Allergy & Asthma Network has partnered with the university to implement the program at the community level.

Reimbursement in Ohio

Posted on: 12 May 2014 By: ctwarog


I am working to start a asthma clinical out of a MD's office. Can any of you help with the coding side of things? Thanks!

ISO data on Latino children with asthma in the US (including Puerto Rico)

Posted on: 27 February 2014 By: scs48197

At the University of Michigan Center for Managing Chronic Disease, we have developed a statistical method to create a sort of virtual control group so that in real-world, pre/post studies of interventions to improve asthma control among children, we can use this virtual control group as a way to account for the natural improvement in symptoms we see in children over time. This method will allow programs to more rigorously evaluate outcomes without requiring an actual control group.

Attention Asthma and School Programs! Apply for the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management

Posted on: 24 January 2014 By: drhodes

In 2013, North East Independent School District was the first school district to win the National Environmental Leadership Award in Asthma Management.
This award is EPA’s highest recognition a program and its leaders can receive for delivering excellent environmental asthma management as part of their comprehensive asthma care services. Each year, EPA honors exceptional health plans, health care providers and communities in action. 

In search of survey tool

Posted on: 05 December 2013 By: LAWessel

I'm looking for a low literacy survey tool about envirnomental asthma triggers that incorporates questions on environmental justice and climate change. Anyone know of one?


Lois Wessel

Association of Clincians for the Underserved

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