Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs: Reducing Exposure to Wildfire Smoke
Sponsoring Program Name:
Regional Asthma Management & Prevention (RAMP)
Featured materials include:
- Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs fact sheet [En Espanol]
- Examples of Air Cleaners for Asthma Programs spreadsheet
- How to Choose a Safe & Effective Air Cleaner: for Consumers, for Agencies and Programs, for Schools
- Video on how to use an air cleaner [English and Spanish; also embedded below]
- Helping Clients with Asthma Prepare for Wildfire Smoke Events: Tips for Asthma Educators
- Asthma, Smoke & Air Purifiers: A fact sheet for community residents in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Arabic, and Vietnamese
- The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Home Air Filtration Program: Lessons Learned and Tips for Replication
- La importancia de tener un purificador de aire – The importance of having an air purifier- Veronica’s story