Posted on: 08 October 2014 By: ckennedy@clini…

The August 2014 issue of the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved is now available in print and online! This silver anniversary issue opens with a column on the ACU project with theAlliance of Chicago to address asthma disparities by creating a new clinical decision support tool within their EMR. The project is funded by the U.S. EPA Indoor Air Quality division and we thank ACU's former executive director Kathie Westpheling for her vision and commitment to making this project a reality. Anna Gard and Lois Wessel authored the article for ACU. Use this link to see the table of contents for the entire issue, or you can download the column to read more here: "Addressing Asthma Disparities Using Clinical Decision Support in the Electronic Health Record." 

ACU is a transdisciplinary organization of clinicians, advocates and healthcare organizations that provide health care for the underserved. Our programs include professional education, clinical tools, advocacy, patient education, training and technical assistance. ACU is a nonprofit, transdisciplinary organization of clinicians, advocates and health care organizations united in a common mission to improve the health of America’s underserved populations and to enhance the development and support of the health care clinicians serving these populations.

ACU was established in 1996 by participants and alumni of the National Health Service Corps. Today ACU has a constituency of more than 8,000 clinicians and 900 organizations. Our membership includes individuals representing 18 professional disciplines as well as community clinics, health care organizations and professional societies.

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