NCHH eLearning and Technical Assistance Series







In collaboration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NCHH has developed an eLearning and technical assistance platform to support the launch and growth of large-scale, evidence-based, sustainable asthma home visiting programs. With guidance on topics such as Medicaid reimbursement opportunities and other financing options, developing a business case, scaling up, referrals and eligibility, staffing and training, supplies and services, community resources, and evaluation and reporting, each of the primary 10 eLearning modules offers a deeper look into some of the topics and strategies to consider while working to design and implement home-based asthma services.

Additionally, NCHH and a team of expert partners expanded these original eLearning offerings by developing a suite of mini-modules and technical assistance tools that expand the breadth of topics covered and translate shared technical assistance experiences into accessible, informal examples.

Fact Sheet Development, Parts 1 and 2

This resource includes fact sheets that can serve as models for your own leave-behind materials for meetings with partners or decision makers. Part 1 focuses on making the case for home-based asthma services by highlighting data showing the effectiveness of home-visiting programs in general. Part 2 focuses on making the case for a specific asthma program based on your own data to show your impact.

Partnership Agreements, Matrix and Checklist

These items include downloadable templates for developing your own partnership agreements to provide services, share data and referrals, and support evaluation; a partnership assessment matrix; and a partnership checklist to help you consider community-based partners across sectors, including public health, health care, payers, insurance, housing, education, social services and more.

Client Identification and Eligibility Sample Report

This resource includes information on client identification and a real-world example of report specifications developed by a health plan to identify members who would benefit from home-based asthma services.

Mini-Module: Social Media and Social Networks

This video presentation highlights the connections between social media and health care and shows you how to use social media to advance your mission and engage your stakeholders.

Get Started

Log in to the eLearning website, enroll in the free course, and check out the section titled “Technical Assistance” and “Mini-Module: Social Media and Social Networks.” Under Technical Assistance, you will find many resources and tools related to implementation, including downloadable templates and worksheets.

Visit NCHH to learn more.