Posted on: 18 December 2018 By: blachman

In cooperation with our vendor doing home visits, City of Dallas Code Enforcement and the EPA Regional Office, we implemented an environmental assessment at part of our asthma education home visits. We have done 50,  56% had housing code violations. 16% led to reports to the City.  We are working to geomap where our higher risk asthmatics are. We have three zip codes were over 10% of total members have high acuity asthma as measured by our predictive modeling tool. These are areas with high concentration of multi family, non high rise housing

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Tue, 12/18/2018 - 15:12

That's great information for continuing to make the case in Dallas as well as for bringing in new partners, like managed care payers, to talk about what their role might be. Have you taken steps in that direction already?


Tue, 12/18/2018 - 15:44

.Yes.  This is key work on social determinant of health.  We are now reaching out to inner city faith based groups to make this a community health approach.  Since our owner hospital is the public hospital, we have great support.  A number of health care primary care groups are also on board.

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