Accountable Communities: Healthy Together - Asthma
Program Type:
Community, Healthcare Provider, UniversityContact:
Accountable Communities : Healthy Together- Asthma (ACHT-A) is a collaborative between the Georgia State University Institute of Public Health, Southside Medical Center, and the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning: Bright from the Start. The purpose of ACHT-A is to decrease the burden and experience of adverse effects associated with childhood asthma within NPU-V by the development of a program to address the multiple modalities of educational, medical, and environmental interventions for the management and control of asthma and its symptoms. Our program targets children with asthma and those responsible for their care, to include parents, caregivers, doctors, community clinic nurses, and school teachers. Key components of the ACHT-A Program include (1) Training for asthmatic children their caregivers, parents, practitioners, and educators on asthma recognition and management, (2) In-home Environmental Assessment and Intervention, (3) Patient Navigation & Primary Care Services, (4) Healthcare vouchers, (5)Sibling childcare during medical appointments, (6) Transportation to medical appointments and Training.