Very Low Literacy Info Pregancy and Asthma

We work with impoverished, underserved persons throughout Upstate NY.  We are seeking to find a one page (perhaps back and front) sheet discussing pregancy and asthma.  Although many searches point to the material at the National Jewish Hospital as the American Academy of Asthama, Allergy and Immunology (AAAAI), we find their publications at a significantly high reading level.  We are seeking an informational sheet with the hallmarks of low literacy:  white space, pictures, and a 3rd or 4th grade reading level.  If anyone has knowledge of this, could you please contact me?  Thank you in advance.  Linda

We don't have materials specifically on pregnancy, but have compiled and created some very low-literacy asthma materials for English and Spanish-speaking residents for outreach we have conducted. We are a nonprofit public health org and work with our sister organization, World Education (an adult basic education nonprofit). A good resource is the interactive tutorials on asthma:

English: i
