Fragrance Free Policy
Submitted by PVAsthmaCoalition on 17 November 2014 - 3:06pm
Hello, everyone,
Does anyone have a Fragrance Free School Policy that they have implemented? If so, can you describe the process involved in getting the policy implemented and any barriers you faced?
Thanks so much!
Sarita hudson
17 November 2014 - 3:28pm
We do not currently have a
We do not currently have a district policy, but the following message went to all our staff. If we continue to experience problems with staff using them, we will then be looking at a policy, I have had so many requests for this.
Now that the cold weather has arrived and will be spending more time in closed spaces, I wanted to remind everyone of the importance of doing what we can to ensure good air quality. Please share the information below with your staff:
The academic success of a student can be directly linked to his or her health. Strong scents and fragrances can contribute to poor indoor air quality that can be unhealthy for students and school staff. There are many people who experience unpleasant physical effects from scented products and a growing number of people who suffer more severe reactions to these types of products and chemicals. This condition is known as multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) and involves people who have developed an acute sensitivity to various chemicals in the environment. Additionally, for many with asthma, the perfumes/scents in scented products can trigger an asthmatic episode. These products are complex chemical formulations and can adversely affect the health/comfort of others.
When scented products have been suspected to adversely affecting a person's health, some or all of the following symptoms are reported:
• Headaches • Nausea
• Weakness • Malaise
• Loss of Appetite • Upper respiratory symptoms
• Difficulty with concentration • Numbness
• Shortness of breath • Skin Irritation
Allergic and asthmatic patients, as well as those with other conditions, report that certain odors, even in the smallest amounts, can trigger an episode. Some people may report mild irritation while others are incapacitated and/or must give up many 'normal' activities in order to avoid exposure (such as going to public places).
Severity and triggers as well as symptoms vary from person to person. But when used in a confined area, the intense amount of toxins can be especially problematic. Children are particularly susceptible to harm from chemicals in indoor air.
It’s important for all of us to be aware and sensitive to this, and to not use fragrant or scents at school (this includes air fresheners, perfumes, perfumed lotions, scentsys, etc.)
Thanks for your attention to this important issue!
Rhonda Simpson MSN ARNP FNP-C
Health and Wellness Coordinator
Dubuque Community School District
18 November 2014 - 7:59am
Go to this website for a
Go to this website for a resource tool kit
Also Minnesoto State Department of Health did a pilot program in 2007-8
19 November 2014 - 1:03pm
Thanks for these resources!
Thanks for these resources!
Joe Williams
20 November 2014 - 11:48am
This is great! and very
This is great! and very helpful indeed.