Fiduciary Responsibility -Focusing on the wellbeing of people

- We are a company doing IAQ inspections , mostly residential. 

Issue: Accentuated disinterest of addressing and solving indoor environment issues or in general IAQ concerns. 

- Whow is up to getting in a colaboration finding ways of addressing this. It is a fiduiary responsibily to address IAQ concerns once they are found, and we need a way to raise the awareness of the real impact of these issues on people's quality of life (current and future). Who is available to work on this.

Gabriel Hernandez

Environmental Eco Solutions

Thank you


Gabriel, NCHH would be interested in talking to you more about this and seeing how we can be part of this type of collaboration. You can email me directly ( and copy Sarah Goodwin ( or Laura Fudala (

Hi Areddy,

-Thank you replying, Absoiultely, we will do. It seems that for the mayority of it, we are the most interested (and many times) the only party interested on addressing concerning IAQ issues.

We weill follow up eigther later today or tomorrow.


Thank you.

We have City Council Members asking us what Code Enforcement is doing about the asthma problem.  I work for a Medicaid HMO.  We have three common chronic diseases in the children in our health plan -- asthma, asthma and asthma,  We have decreased our asthma costs using a highly accurate predictive model by over 40% since implementing the model. Dallas Area Interfaith did block walk at the kickoff of our campaign to get the Code changed.  In one of the 11 complexes we visited we a wall covered with mold that would have just been painted over before the code changes.  I realized we could throw all the asthma medications, skin testing, allergy shots etc at a child living in that apartment without an effect.  Housing is a key root cause of asthma disparity in Dallas.  Insurers have a fical stake in improving housing.