Podcast Audio File
Podcast Dr Cha_FINAL.mp3
(13.83 MB)
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Podcast Description
This is the State Plan Amendment (SPA) under which Multnomah County Environmental Health's Targeted Case Management—Healthy Homes Program receives reimbursement through Oregon's Medicaid program. As part of the process involved in the submission of this SPA, the state of Oregon submitted a waiver to CMS to waive certain Federal requirements, including the ability to reimburse community health workers for in-home asthma visits.
Organization Name
Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services
Ep 8 Transcript.pdf
(134.14 KB)
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Watch the webinar on Effective Strategies for Obtaining Reimbursement
Learn how to describe your program’s value using the Value Proposition
Review an Example of a State Plan Amendment, Multnomah County Healthy Homes Collaborative
Materials from Baltimore Regional Summit on Pediatric Home Asthma Interventions
Get additional guidance at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ State Resource Center
Confirm your understanding of Medicaid with Medicaid 101: What You Need to Know
Examine how the Medicaid program is structured using Medicaid: A Primer – Key Information on the Nation’s Health Coverage Program for Low-Income People
Dr. Stephen Cha