Please post your questions for the webinar on 'MCAN Resources for Successful Asthma Interventions,' here.

MCAN Library

Posted on: 03 December 2015 By: Melanie

To All Presenters - Thank you for a very informative set of presentations and for the work that you do to improve asthma care! I am interested in the MCAN library but did not see it under Tools on the Community Network website. Could you please let me know where to find the library.

Than you

Patient Education Handouts

Posted on: 03 December 2015 By: M. Janke

Our hospital isn't quite ready to start an intervention, but a lot of the handouts are useful.  It sounds like we can download and use the handouts.  Is the project also okay with slight modifications, adding an institution's name, phone numbers, etc... and citing the CHAMPS project?ZZ

User Driven Asthma Action Plans?

Posted on: 03 December 2015 By: jshaw

Asthma Action Plans are useful tools for all stakeholders, but frequently are designed by health practitioners rather than users (person with Asthma, parent, Community Health Worker,  school nurse, teacher, etc.)  Does anyone have some research or AAPs designed with significant input from users (w links)?

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